Wirkungsgrad | ||
1959 .. 1961 | 88% +/-12% |
frühere (alte)
Lichtausbeute-Messungen ergab Wirkungsgrad von 88 %, H. H. Seliger; W. D. McElroy; E. H. White & G. F. Field (1961): Stereospecificity and Firefly Bioluminescence, A Comparison of Natural and Synthetic Luciferins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 47(8):1129-1134. H. H. Seliger, W. D. McElroy (1960): Spectral emission and quantum yield of firefly bioluminescence. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 88, 136-141. p150: 88 +/- 12% (Fraga 2008) H. H. Seliger, W. D. McElroy (1959): Quantum yield in oxidation of firefly luciferin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Volume 1, Issue 1, July 1959, Pages 21-24. |
1974 | 96% | Fröhlich, K. O. (1974): Das Leuchten der Glühwürmchen.
Entomologische Nachrichten 1974, 89-92. keine Quellenangabe ... zudem verwechselt Fröhlich Lampyris mit Lamprohiza ... |
1978 | 98% | McElroy, W. D.
& Marlene DeLuca
(1978): Chemistry of firefly luminescence. In: Herring, Peter J.: Bioluminescence in Action. London: Academic Press. pp. 109-127. Nicht selber gelesen, Zitat gefunden in Bek (2015) - Doktorandin von John Altringham |
2002, 1994 |
98% | Tyler, J. (2002:41), Tyler, J. (1994:25): Glow-worms. Tyler-Scagell, Tadorna, Sevenoaks, 48 pp. |
2008 | 41% +/- 7% | Ando, Yoriko,
Kazuki Niwa, Nobuyuki
Yamada, Toshiteru Enomoto, Tsutomu Irie, Hidehiro Kubota,
Yoshihiro Ohmiya & Hidefumi Akiyama (2008): Firefly bioluminescence quantum yield and
colour change by pH sensitive green emission.
Nature Photonics volume 2, pages 44–47 (2008) PDF von Abstract Lampyridae, frühere (alte) Lichtausbeute-Messungen ergaben Effizient von 88 %, neue der Autoren hier liefern Effizient von 41 % +/- 7 |
2010 | 61% | Niwa, Kazuki,
Yoshiro Ichino, Shiho Kumata, Yoshihiro Nakajima,
Yoshihiro Hiraishi, Dai-ichiro Kate, Vadim R. Viviani,
Yoshihiro Ohmiya (2010): Quantum Yields
and Kinetics of the Firefly Bioluminescence Reaction of
Beetle Luciferases. Photochcmistry and Photobiology.
https:lldol.orgf10.11111].1751-1fHl.2010.ocrm.x PDF von Abstract. Lampyridae, Biolumineszenz, Effizient der Energieumwandlung in Licht: 0.61 |
2010 | > 99% | Dettner,
Konrad (2010): Biolumineszenz. In: Dettner, K. (Lehrbuch
der Entomologie), 601-611. PDF Lamypridae.... Lichtausbeute: “... mehr als 99% ...” IR: eine erstaunlich unüberlegte Aussage in einem Lehrbuch |
2015 | 98% | Bek, Rhian Jenny (2015): "wasting less than
2% energy as heat" / Dissertation; zitiert McElroy, W. D. & M. DeLuca. 1978. Chemistry of firefly luminescence. In: Herring, Peter J.: Bioluminescence in Action. London: Academic Press. pp. 109-127. IR: erstaunliches Dissertationsniveau: kennt Lit zum Thema aus den Jahren 2008 und 2010 nicht |
2016 | closer to 40% | Lewis, Sara
(2016): Firefly Fact Friday –
Energy Efficient Bugs. July 15, 2016 by Stephanie Rojas http://blog.press.princeton.edu/2016/07/15/firefly-fact-friday-energy-effi... Kopie: “This week’s Firefly Fact is from Sara Lewis, author of Silent Sparks: Fireflies make their light with higher efficiency than any other bioluminescent creature. Although often quoted as nearly 100%, recent measurements of quantum yield estimate fireflies’ efficiency to be closer to 40% (Niwa et al. 2010). This means that 4 photons of light get emitted for every 10 luciferin molecules chemically transformed. Compared to the typical incandescent light bulb, which shines with efficiency only around 10%, this is still quite impressive." |
2017 | 40 bis 60% | Branchini, Bruce R. (2017): CHEMISTRY OF FIREFLY BIOLUMINESCENCE.
http://photobiology.info/ 11 pp PDF Lampyridae, Biolumineszenz, Effizienz Energieumwandlung in Licht: 40 bis 60 % (p3), bezieht sich dabei auf die Arbeit(en) von Niwa et al 2010. |
Energie-Anteil % in Licht |
Energie-Anteil % als Wärmeverlust |
Glühlampe | 5 |
95 |
Energiesparlampe | 25 |
75 |
LED-Lichtquelle |
- 40 |
https://freiebeleuchtung.com/wirkungsgrad-und-energieeffizienz-von-led-gluhlampen |